Minggu, 27 November 2011

Kukar Bridge Collapse !!!

There anything know Kukar bridge in East Kalimantan Indonesia?

 This is one bridge that became the pride in East Kalimantan,
This bridge connects Tenggarong and samarinda
Yesterday (11.26.11) this bridge COLLAPSED!

This incident happened when my family getting jogging in the afternoon (at about 4:30 p.m)
 Suddenly my uncle called my sister, and frantically asking if my father to samarinda?
 and a coincidence my father did was go to samarinda!
  With panic my uncle said if the Bridge Collapses!!!

Our panic too, and my family tried to contact my father
 and after a called several times he finally answered his phone and he had reached the Tenggarong
 all go away, and we continued our jog

 After the jog, we decided to look at situation on the bridge
but road toward the bridge is very solid! 
and we are discouraged that we saw the bridge collapse

 Far as this happened because one of the broken rope bridge hanger 

This incident generated a lot of casualties
 one of the victims killed is the son of teachers at my school  (Mrs. Mardiana, natural sciences)
My so sympathy ~
hopefully be accepted by god 
and the abandonment can be given the power :'(

 not only that there are rumors that say that the collapse of the bridge due to the monsters that occupy the bridge

Some Photos When The Incident

Don't Forget to Leave Comment ~^w^~

Senin, 21 November 2011

I was a Bridesmaid

Day last week my cousin brother got married and I was entrusted to be the companion bride

It's something very ... WOW! for me
Because some of my family, I am including a tomboyish girl
But I'll do anything for people who already gave me the confidence (I do not want them to be disappointed >.<)

Turned out to be a bridesmaid she was not too heavy, in fact I think this is fun
Because I was given shoes, gowns, and some accessories
I like wearing cosplay! So FUN for me!

But of course not all it's fun
I have to get up at 4AM just to make up
And again by chance a very tortured me, I'm cold on any given day!!! OMG!!!
Luckily I was able to withstand sleepy and cold ordeal
And all going well ~

I'm glad all has ended well~
  Happy Wedding My Cousin Brother!!!


I Like This Pict ^w^!!!

 Nice Lip?

With Angry Bird!

Don't forget to comment
PaiPai! ^w^

Jumat, 18 November 2011

My new Friends ~^w^~

Beberapa hari yang lalu, mama gw bawain gw temen baru!!!
gw dikasih Hamster!!!
Gimana gak seneng coba?! gw udah berbulan-bulan merajuk buat dieliin tuh hewan!!!
Pokoknya pas pulang dari les, masuk ke ruang tamu, di depan mata ada 2 ekor hamster unyu unyu di dalam kandang yang lengkap sama makanannya, rasanya tuh...kaya ngebelah atmosfer bumi, terbang bareng paus akrobatik menuju rasi bintang paling manis #KorbanIklan

Gitu deh pokoknya sangking senangnya gak bisa di ungkapin dengan kata-kata deh

Dimulailah hari hari sama dua temenku ini~
Setiap Pulang sekolah tujuan pertama pastilah kandang bau yang jarang dibersihin itu = ="
Itu berlangsung berhari hari dengan damai~
Tapi seunyu unyunya temenku ini, namanya binatang, jiwa kebuasannya juga pasti ada...
pas gw mau kasih makan dua monster kecil ini malah berebutan, kadang jari juga digigit, tau sih jariku ini manis kayak mukaku tapi gak perlu segitunya kali = ="

Udah dulu kali yah, aku mau ngasih makan dua monster kecilku dulu ya

 HamBaro ^w^v

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